Review: Asymmetric Jurisdiction Clauses

Review of Asymmetric Jurisdiction Clauses (Brooke Marshall, Oxford University Press, 2023, ISBN 9780198868040).

Please access full article here or via PDF link to the left.


‘The Lawful Forest: A Critical History of Property, Protest and Spatial Justice’ – An Interview

Forum Editor Jack Zhou sits down with Professor Cristy Clark and Professor John Page to discuss their new book “The Lawful Forest: A Critical History of Property, Protest and Spatial Justice”.

Their book is a study of the critical history of space, and the ways in which a dominant property ideology has entrenched an exclusionary and profoundly alienating version of spatial ordering. It focuses on select periods in time, when the seemingly linear trajectory of enclosure momentarily wavers and alternate spatial paths briefly materialise, before ‘disappearing’ from plain sight. Using the forest as a thematic device, Cristy Clark and John Page explore the tensions that pervade our propertied relationships: between commodity and community, abstraction and context, and private enclosure and the public square.

‘Guilty Pigs: The Weird and Wonderful History of Animal Law’ – An interview

Forum Editor Isobelle Wainwright sits down with Professor Katy Barnett and Professor Jeremy Gans to talk about their new book ‘Guilty Pigs: The Weird and Wonderful History of Animal Law’.

In ‘Guilty Pigs’, animal law experts Katy Barnett and Jeremy Gans guide readers through the philosophy and practice of animal-related law, from the very earliest cases to the issues we are debating today, including the responsibilities of pet owners and the application of human rights to animals. Filled with lively and sometimes bizarre case studies, this is a fascinating and entertaining read – for all lovers of misbehaving creatures

Review: Nine-Tenths of the Law?

Review of An Expressive Theory of Possession (Michael JR Crawford, Hart Publishing, 2020, ISBN 978-1-50992-992-4).

Please access full review here or via PDF link to the left.

Book Review: Property in the Empirical World

Review of Property Theory: Legal and Political Perspectives (James Penner and Michael Otsuka (eds), Cambridge University Press, 2018, ISBN 978-11-08500-04-3).

Please access full review here or via PDF link to the left.